Sunday, 18 November 2012

A gift for my Dad

It's an ipad cover! 

I went to my local tartan shop and went through their alphabetised scrap boxes, to find myself a collection of blue and green tartans. I got about 20 5"x7" squares of 100% tartan wool for £2!! Included in my hoard are our family tartans too!
I cut them up into 24 3" squares.

Using my 1/4" foot I chain stitched them into pairs.
aah... I love chain stitching!

Using a hot steam iron I pressed them firmly.

Then I chain-stitched the pairs into rows of four.

Then I sewed the rows together to make a front and a back.
And to make the fold-over flap I sewed together three strips.
I cut a piece of cotton lining that was the full length
 of the front and back plus an additional 1" ease and 6" flap.
The batting was cut 1/2" smaller to help the seams to be less bulky.
I used an Australian printed cotton, because my family are a mixture of Scottish and Australian.


Dimensions: I got the measurements for the ipad from the makers website, added 1" for ease, 1/2" for seams and 6" for the fold-over flap. I cut the lining and batting in one long piece, and made up the 6" flap in patchwork strips, whilst the body was made up with patchworked squares.
1.With right sides together, sew the short edge of lining to short edge of patchwork squares. Press open. This makes the neat edge on the front. 
2.With right sides together sew the 3 sides of the patchwork squares pieces together, leaving the opening.
3. Lining: with right sides together, sew up the sides the same width as the patchworked pocket. Then tuck this into the patchwork pouch to make sure it fits.
4.Attach your tartan strip fold-over flap, with right sides together, to the back of the patchwork pocket.
5. Untuck the lining from the patchwork pocket and with right sides together, sew onto the fold-over flap, but leave the narrow end un-sewn. Use this un-sewn end to turn the pocket inside out and then handstitch it closed.
6.Affix whatever closures you would prefer: velcro, buttons, etc.

I handstitched a label to the inside that says "Handmade with Love" and made buttonholes to close the flap. 

I don't have an ipad myself, and don't know anyone who does, so I won't know if it fits until I give it to him. And if it doesn't fit? Well, I think I will keep it for myself and use it as a transferable hold-all to keep my purse, phone, keys in, and just grab it when I swap handbags to workbags!


  1. What a great idea to make your Dad an ipad cover and even better to use the tartans and gum leaves patterns - I bet he loved it.

  2. Thanks so much for your comment. Yes, he did like it, and thankfully it did fit!! Yay!

  3. Wow, how cool! May I ask the name of the fabric shop? Maybe I can visit there next time I'm in Scotland.

    1. Hi Kushami, thanks for visiting my blog! Here is a link to the fabric shop where I got the tartan scraps, but you would be able to ask any shop that makes tartan for a bag of scraps, especially in Edinburgh.


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