Monday, 24 September 2012

Gertie's Sew-Along

Well, after much deliberation, I have decided that this coat is not for me.  

I've made a bit of a croquis to really be sure, but I just can't see how it is going to suit my figure.  I think I am just too big for the style, especially with the large, dramatic collar and the two waist buttons.

So if you are in the UK, I've put it up for sale on ebay if you're interested.
SOLD to Sarah in Norfolk. Thanks!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Gertie's new book

I've received this book in the mail and am so impressed with how big it is and with how many  patterns you get - ten!
Look how thick it is!
And look how bulging with goodies the pattern envelope is!

Her style of writing is really easy to read, and feels like you're chatting with a friend. The kind of friend who has taught herself new skills and is more than happy to help you out with tips and techniques that she's already struggled through herself.
The patterns would be quite a challenge for beginner sewers but I think that shouldn't put them off trying them, as it's the challenges that help us improve our skills.
The other things I love about the book are the illustrations by Sun Young Park. They're just beautiful.
Here is a peek at some of my favourites - there are many more within the book.

 Would love to know what you think of buying sewing books. Have you succumbed and bought any?

Sunday, 9 September 2012

McCall's 6503

I have finished it at last!  I've been doing a little bit at a time, mostly in the evenings, and am now hoping that the sun comes out so that I can justify wearing a summer dress - as you can see I've opted for the dark tights today, as it is grey and overcast again here in Scotland.

   From this...             to this!

Apart from a few alterations to the bust and the hem and a bit of "dressmakers knowhow" when it came to interpreting the sparse pattern instructions, I am pretty happy with McCall's 6503. I had earmarked this pattern to create 2 dresses but think I'll use the other floral for something else, and the next time I use this pattern it will be with a plain fabric so that the style lines are easier to see. It's a lovely pattern, and I think it will stand the test of time. Below is my full pattern review that I wrote for a Sewing Patterns website.

Pattern Sizing:
Multi sized pattern, I used the largest: 22
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
I originally tried to do view c with the ruffle, but unfortunately I sewed the staystitch too close to the edge instead of at the 5/8 mark, which meant the ruffle didn't straighten out to be long enough for the collar. So I binned it and just went with view d instead.
Were the instructions easy to follow?
No, I don't think so. At one stage, they've even left out the "stitch" instruction! The envelope says it's an easy project so I would have expected clearer and even more detailed instructions, but this was not the case unfortunately. But as long as you've sewn a few dresses or blouses I think you will manage the sparse instructions.
Fabric Used:
Rayon in a floral print
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made:
I did view d but used the view c gathered skirt instead of the 4 pleats one.  I also added 2" to the hem, as I am 5'7" and this would have been above the knee, which is too short for me. My final alteration was the bust. It was just too low and also too much fabric in the centre, so I unpicked the part where the button band goes into the midriff band and just pulled the button neckband down about 2" down behind the midriff band. This pulled the button neckband more taut against my body and meant it wasn't as revealing.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?
I would sew this again, with the alterations I've made and would like to do it with a plain fabric so that the lovely style lines are more visible.
Do try this dress if you're after a relaxed dress that would travel well.

Thanks so much for visiting my little Blog.

Monday, 3 September 2012

My love affair with the Postman...

My front garden has a tall, leafy hedge which means approaching and passing-by traffic cannot be seen until they get to the window created by our driveway. It is this window onto the road that has my attention as I watch and wait for a red van to pull up, and a wave of Radio 2 to hit my ears as the postman opens his car door and walks towards our house. Our postbox is affixed to the wall near our back door and the metal hinge clanging down sends a thrill of anticipation through me.... a package or a letter or a card, just SOMETHING has been sent to me!! I wonder what it could be and practically skip to see what my Postie has delivered to me.
I again wonder at the loveliness of the postman, and all the mysterious packages he brings to happy people all over the world.  
Today he has brought me sewing patterns from America! I was reading Laura's blog about some lovely things she was admiring in the Butterick sale, so thought I would have a look too. And Laura was right, they had some very interesting patterns in their sale, and at such a reduced price I didn't mind spending all that money on postage from the USA. All up I got 7 patterns for $20 and it was $25 for postage, which for me is  a total of £28, for which I would usually only get 3 sewing patterns anyway! Definitely a bargain!
The two on the left are designed by Gertie - of whom I am a big fan, and if you haven't seen her sewing projects then please take a 20 minute coffee break and browse around her website. She is even thinking about beginning an online sew-along, which sounds like it would be encouraging to be a part of.

The 3rd one I have seen sewn by Laura MaeJulia Bobbin and Roisin and would really like to have a try at the cross over bodice, the same as Roisin's one.  

And the 4th pattern, well I am intrigued by the cut of this pattern, B5813 and hope it will suit me as much as it suits the model.
So, thank you Mr Postman, for bringing me such happy possibilities!
I'd be very interested to hear what your personal postal delivery is like and how it makes you feel...