Monday, 2 July 2012


Saw a lovely quilt in the Moda Bake Shop called Wild Rose Postage Stamp Quilt that looked like something I might be able to try myself. A friend is having a baby, so it's a perfect opportunity to begin a new crafty skill. Patchwork seems like such a good idea!
So I sent my dear friend some links to Moda's lovely range of fabrics, and she chose a Sandy Gervais collection.
So I layed out the fabric strips from Left dark reds fading into pinks then pales and heading to the right with the dark aqua shades.

Then I cut each 2.5" strip into 2.5" squares and mixed them around into 4x4 grids, as you can see keeping the darker ones to the left and interspersing a few pale and pink in amongst them. I quite enjoyed this process - it was fun trying to keep it looking jumbled but balanced.

I sewed them into rows of four squares, then sewed 4 of these strips together to form a 4x4 square, pressing each and every sewn line as I went.

All done! 

Then I aded a pale border, wadding, backing and binding and tried to quilt it together on my basic machine! Voila!

What do you think of my first ever attempt at a patchwork quilt?


  1. I think it's lovely! What a gorgeous gift for your friend and her new baby :)

  2. That's amazing! What a wonderful first effort at quilting. I love it. g

  3. Can't believe I've only just seen this. Amazing! Your beautiful quilt is still a well loved favorite in Pips room.... always will be xxx


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