Friday, 20 July 2012

A Wedding

Friends of ours have six children ( I know!!! ) and so money can be a bit tight, so when their eldest daughter announced her engagement, I was happy to say Yes and help them out with the photos on her big day.
Let me say that I am NOT a photographer at all, but I do love weddings. It was really very trusting of them to give such a huge responsibility to an amateur like me, so I wanted to do the photos justice.
My camera confidence is at it's very lowest with the dull interior lights and unfortunately it rained the whole day so the photos had to be taken inside (apart from 10 minutes of light drizzle when we dashed outside for a few portraits of the bride and groom). But I tried my best and have spent the last two week's worth of free time going over them using the magical Adobe Photoshop.
So here are a few of my favourites.

Which one do you like best?


  1. Oh of the ones you posted? I love the black and white. But then I'm a huge fan of black and white photography. Beautiful bride. May they be extremely happy and loved. g

    1. I agree... I wish the very best for them too. Thanks gMarie!


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